Axel Dahl
Cour d'Appel de Fort de France \ Gilles Bouchez
Beautiful State building in La Martinique.
Dual shielding façades made of printed glass changing colors depending on the sky's mood.
Very difficult to approach due to a number of annoying impediments, the most pressing of which was the incredible amount of cars circulating around it !
I gave the architect 55 images in toto (only 20 shown here).
There were many others to be made but far from Paris as that building is, I won't go back, alas.
(published by AMC)
Main image, west side ; 40s exposure. Planned from the start but feasible only on the last evening. Schoelcher library back left, Schoelcher square in front.
6AM ; you have no idea of the efforts necessary to ensure no cars would be parked in front !
Strong sun and invisible friends of the day who kindly helped keep the cars out until the clouds would be right...
The patio, seen from the actual entrance, after a ten-minute local shower...
... same, a bit earlier. Like the red glass surounding the outside, the "green" pattern is printed and shields the actual windows from a very strong sun.
Half of the patio, reflecting the outside... and the photographer.
Detail of the front shades which, depending on the sun's orientation, look partly transparent or almost opaque - very efficient.
I also captured all of the guts of it, including stairs, small rooms, big rooms, hearing rooms, elevators - etc.
Anti-sismic Xs.
Perhaps waiting for justice to happen.
When the sun still hits directly in the windows - and I did manage to keep this car-free - too.
The entire building is made to reflect its surroundings so as to blend in better - and this, here, shows well.
...from an adjacent and luckily empty parcel.
First image : grey sky means really grey building. The flags and poles weren't in the architect's design but added (hastily) for an impromptu visit by the French President...
As the sky lifts out of its early morning cyan, so does the building's red.
Sundown, hitting the big X and no cars, again thanks to helpful people intrigued by my old Sinar Norma camera :)
At night, when at last lit (I didn't get any for the first two days !). This clearly shows the dual-front structure.
c. 9AM.
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