Axel Dahl
du Besset - Lyon \ Faculty of Medicine in Tours
Long building housing offices, a library, teaching classes and two amphitheaters with state of the art a/v capture and dispatch systems.
The north is made of three waves, the south of it much more angular - difficult, but magnificent.
There are three more worthwhile views I'll be adding later on.
Slightly haunting yet light, aetheral - magnificent.
North side, waving goodbye to the sun.
Variant, with a plane I had ordered the day before to have that trace at that moment, exactly on that spot, moving toward that very direction.
Simple yet extremely effective : it's alive !
Almost sundown...
...sundown almost.
Seconds before a two-hour interlude of grey skies, just as it needs to be : hazed, poetic.
North and west sides : this part houses the two amphitheaters.
West and south sides, sunset.
The south side, all lit up.
South side with lyrical sky. The windows' surrounds are very effective at filtering down the prying sun (and beautifully designed, too).
Graphical opening of the west amphitheater, seen from S-W.
Same, but seen from N-W, again with an absolutely perfect sky.
West amphitheater, seating 400. The displays well the amount of contrast my system can take :)
West amphitheater, toward the top opening.
East amphitheater, seating 400 as well - huge level difference between where I was, the top, and the teachers' bench.
Main stairs, ending at the top of the second wave of the north façade.
Part of the main lobby and distribution area. Very long : this only shows one half of it !
A/V engineer and boss taking a break.
Articulation of the two segments : classes east, amphitheaters west.
I couldn't resist this cubi(sti)c effect.
Variant of the south perspective toward the west, when the sun barely scrapes the lower part.
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